HTDI 2022

Event Details

  • Start Date 12/15/2022
  • Start Time 08:30
  • End Time 00:00
Topics Speakers Time Venue
<span>in</span>-congress opening, first day, interventional
Participants registration 8.00
Greetings Local Authorities 9.03-9.13
Insubria: roots and perspectives of a young University on its 25th anniversary 9.15-9.20
Greetings SIRM Authorities 9.20-9.33
Greetings in-Presidents 9.33-9.45
<span>in</span>-key honorary lecture A 9.45-9.58 lecture
<span>in</span>-session 1 10.00-10.44
Percutaneous vs laparoscopic open ablation in colorectal liver metastases management 10.00
Balloon-occluded ablation and TACE in unresectable, large HCC 10.11
Ablation and immunotherapy in lung tumours 10.22
Ablation and surgery in malignant thyroid tumours management 10.33
General Discussion 10.44
<span>in</span>-session 2 11.00-11.44
Glass vs Resin vs Holmium microspheres in TARE for HCC 11.00
DSM-TACE vs immunotherapy vs Sorafenib in intermediate HCC 11.11
TACE vs TARE vs combined approaches in unresectable cholangiocarcinoma 11.22
MWA vs RFA vs cryoablation in renal tumours 11.33
General Discussion 11.44
<span>in</span>-session 3 12.00-12.44
Fusion imaging, augmented reality and new guidance systems in interventional oncology 12.00
Future perspectives in microballoon interventions of liver tumours 12.11
Future perspectives in TARE and combined approaches in liver metastases 12.22
Future perspectives in ablation techniques and combined approaches in solid tumours 12.33
General Discussion 12.44
<span>in</span>-key honorary lecture B 13.00-13.13 lecture
Lunch 13.13-13.58