Dear Colleagues,

it is with great pleasure that we announce the 10th edition of the International Congress: Aortic Surgery | Peripheral & Venous “How To Do It”.

A truly international faculty of 300 experts in their fields and distinguished keynote lecturers will share their outstanding experience. We take this opportunity to thank each of them for their commitment.
The mission of the Congress is to offer to the participants an update focused mostly on the practical aspect of vascular surgery through a dynamic format based on rapidly paced presentations and hands-on workshops.

The program features:

• Multidisciplinary up-to-date topics
• Abdominal and thoracic aortic disease
• Peripheral, carotid and venous disease
• Keynote lectures by acknowledged opinion leaders
• World-class speakers
• Intense panel discussions
• AV access for haemodialysis
• Controversies / Debates
• Hands-on workshops
• Simulators
• Industry updates
• E-posters from young investigators
• English official language

We hope once again to offer a useful and enriching experience to everyone

The Chairmen
Roberto Chiesa and Germano Melissano



Full Professor of Vascular Surgery
Head of the Departement of Vascular Surgery
Director of Aortic Center
San Raffaele Hospital, Milano – Italy
President of the French Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (SCVE) for the year 2013
President of the Italian Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (SICVE) for the year 2015


Full Professor of Vascular Surgery
Director of the Residency Program in Vascular Surgery
Director of the Master Course in Aortic Surgery
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milano – Italy
Distinguished Visiting Professor Stanford University and Washington University
Presidential Guest Lecturer at the Western Society for Vascular Surgery and Honorary Member of the Society for Clinical Vascular


Participants will have the opportunity to dive into an innovative atmosphere made of images, lights, sounds, flavours which we hope will make the intervals between presentations more enjoyable (see in-entertainment organization).


At the end of the scientific program, the audience will vote for the best innovative young scientific communication for Interventional Radiology, the best innovative young scientific communication for Endovascular Therapy, the 2022-23 best innovative Italian paper for Interventional Radiology, the 2022-23 best innovative Italian paper for Endovascular Therapy, selected and proposed by 3 experts for each competition. The best 4 “innovators” will be awarded at the end of the in-congress (see in-innovation challenge rules and summary table of in-innovation challenge).


The in-scientific program has been planned to collect and spread the most recent innovations. Technological innovations, clinical innovations, novel applications of conventional techniques will be highlighted and discussed by a highly qualified faculty composed of the best Italian interventional radiologists and vascular surgeons. The program includes 14 scientific in-sessions, 6 in-key honorary lectures of European leaders in Interventional Radiology and Vascular Surgery, 2 industry focuses. The congress will last two days, the first dedicated to Interventional Radiology, the second to Endovascular Therapy (see in-session modalities, recommendations, for moderators/speakers/discussants and slides preparation).