Topics |
Speakers |
Time |
Venue |
<span>in</span>-congress, second day, endovascular
Participants registration
7.30 |
Greetings Local Authorities
8.03-8.15 |
Greetings SICVE President
8.15-8.20 |
Greetings in-Presidents
8.20-8.32 |
<span>in</span>-key honorary lecture D
8.32-8.45 |
<span>in</span>-key honorary lecture E
8.45-8.58 |
<span>in</span>-session 8</h6>
9.00-9.44 |
Endograft fenestration in complex aortic pathology
9.00 |
Innovative technologies in EVAR
9.11 |
Clinical significance of sac shrinkage after EVAR
9.22 |
New frontiers (fusion imaging, IVUS, CO2) for TEVAR/EVAR optimization
9.33 |
General Discussion
9.44 |
<span>in</span>-session 9
10.00-10.44 |
Ruptured aortic aneurysms: innovative endovascular management
10.00 |
Acute aortic dissection: innovative endovascular management
10.11 |
Ruptured visceral aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms: innovative endovascular management
10.22 |
Acute pulmonary embolism: innovative endovascular management
10.33 |
General Discussion
10.44 |
<span>in</span>-session 10
11.00-11.44 |
New frontiers in aorto-iliac district with chronic total occlusions
11.00 |
New frontiers in “full metal jacket” and innovative approaches in superficial femoral district with chronic total occlusions and/or calcified plaques
11.11 |
New frontiers in tibial district of diabetic patients with calcified chronic total occlusions
11.22 |
New frontiers in arterialization of the venous system in no-option patients with CLTI
11.33 |
General Discussion
11.44 |
<span>in</span>-session 11
12.00-12.44 |
New frontiers in carotid district with complex stenosis
12.00 |
New frontiers in drug-eluting technology in coronary occlusions
12.11 |
New frontiers in drug-eluting technology in arterio-venous fistulas
12.22 |
New frontiers in drug-eluting technology in erectile dysfunction
12.33 |
General Discussion
12.44 |
<span>in</span>-key honorary lecture F
13.00-13.13 |
13.13-13.58 |